

Eco-TIRAS Mission

Eco-TIRAS International Environmental Association of River Keepers is created by environmental NGOs of the Dniester River basin, shared by Moldova and Ukraine, to help and advice authorities and population to manage the river in sustainable way, using Integrated River Basin Management Approach. In present it unites 51 NGOs-members.

The Dniester River (length 1352 km, basin area 72,100 km2, populated with about 8 million people) starts in Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains, crosses Moldova and returns to Ukraine near the Black Sea.


The Integrated River Basin Management.
What is it?

Water is an environmental resource and it is the basis for social and economic development. River basin is the paramount source of freshwater. To preserve and maintain this precious resource for present and future generations there is a need for sustainable river basin management. Political leadership and commitment are crucial, especially in case, when the basin is shared by two or more states. The following elements are essential for achieving sustainable river basin management:

1. Basin-wide planning. Basin-wide planning should balance all user needs for water resources, in the present and for the long term, and should incorporate spatial developments. Vital human and ecosystem needs have to be given special attention.
2. Participation in decision-making. Local empowerment and public and stakeholder participation in decision-making will strengthen river basin management.
3. Transboundary agreement. Transboundary agreement, based on IRBM principles, has been signed and implemented for transboundary watercourses, and interstate body to manage the river has to be established for implementation.
4. Demand management. Demand management has to be part of sustainable water management.
5. Compliance. Compliance monitoring and assessment of commitments under river basin agreements or arrangements need to be developed.
6. Human and financial capacities. Long-term development of sufficient human and financial capacity is a necessity.